Ellenvale Junior High

OPTIS - Parent Teacher Meetings April 8, 2021, 1 to 3pm and 6 to 8pm

Parent-teacher meetings will be held on Thursday, April 8, from 1 to 3 pm and from 6 to 8pm, in 5-minute blocks (1 minute between interviews).
The on-line booking system (OPTIS) link is www.parentinterviews.com/ellenvale . It is also on our school website - elj.hrsb.ca (select Our School and then For Parents). OPTIS will be open to parents on Monday, March 29, 9am, until Wednesday, April 7, midnight.  Report Cards will be coming home to you by Tuesday, April 6.
Some of our teachers’ interview times fill up quickly. Please select the waiting list option. You will be contacted by the teacher.
Instructions are below regarding Video Conferencing with teachers. There are other instructions included, so please scroll down until you find the section on Joining a Virtual Meeting Room/Video Conferencing:  https://help.parentinterviews.com/docs/parents/
Please take time to test your device is working with audio and video.