Ellenvale Junior High

Raffle Box Fund Raiser Is BACK!! - Winner!

Hey Ellenvale Community! Don't miss out on the Fun!!! - Winner announced below!

Go to https://www2.rafflebox.ca/raffle/ellenvalejhs

We are running our second 50/50 fundraiser! We wish to purchase materials and items to create an outdoor classroom, to support our Grade 9 promotion plans, and, hopefully, to purchase more Chrome Books toward our goal of one for every student.

We are also having a class fundraising competition! If you are buying tickets on behalf of a particular student, there is an option for you to choose their homeroom so we can track ticket sales by homeroom and reward that class with a pizza party.

This was a lot of fun for our school community in September and the prize was worth just over $2000.00.

Tickets are for sale until May 17, 2021, midnight.

The draw will take place on May 18, 2021, at the school. The winner will be contacted by email and/or phone.


UPDATE - MAY 20, 2021- Mrs. Julia Cottingham was the winner of our May Rafflebox 50/50. She won $2827.50!! Congratulations!