Daily Announcements - Friday, February 14, 2025


We acknowledge that we are in Mi’kma’ki, which is the traditional unceded ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq people. 

We also acknowledge that people of African ancestry have been in Nova Scotia for over 400 years. 

If you have forgotten your LUNCH today please let us know in the office by 10AM.

General Announcements

  • Remember that your coats, backpacks, and cell phones should be put in your lockers each morning. These items are not allowed in classrooms.

  • Happy Valentines Everyone!

  • DANCE TICKETS - get on SchoolCash or bring $5 to the main office.

  • Today we honour Shauntay Grant, a writer & spoken-word performer from North Preston. Her poetry & music have been featured across Canada. In 2008 she released her first book called “Up Home” & has released many more since. Check out her website for all her books. 

  • Canteen CANCELLED.

  • Chess Club CANCELLED.

Band & Music Announcements

Musical rehearsal CANCELLED.

Athletic Announcements

Female Basketball Club CANCELLED.

Male basketball finals on Tuesday at Graham Creighton - be there for 3:30PM.