We acknowledge that we are in Mi’kma’ki, which is the traditional unceded ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq people.
We also acknowledge that people of African ancestry have been in Nova Scotia for over 400 years.
If you have forgotten your LUNCH today please let us know in the office by 10AM.
General Announcements
Ms. Jackson is not here today, the library will be open but books cannot be checked out.
Cultural Programming with Ms. Willis today at lunch in the gym at the 11:50 bell, bring your lunch!
Free March Break Camp available for Black & African Nova Scotian students aged 9 to 15 to dive into entrepreneurship in tech and media at BIJ’s Pixel-Preneurs March Break Camp! Check out the link on X or our newsfeed or speak with Ms. Willis.
Yearbooks on sale now on SchoolCash - get yours now for $35.
Band & Music Announcements
Glam Band at lunch today!
Grade 6 violin class today after school has been CANCELLED.
Athletic Announcements
Grade 9 Intramurals CANCELLED.
Female basketball dominated last night against Graham Creighton. Great job team! Go Eagles!
Male basketball game here today versus Sir Robert Borden. Go Eagles! Any spectators must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.