We acknowledge that we are in Mi’kma’ki, which is the traditional unceded ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq people.
We also acknowledge that people of African ancestry have been in Nova Scotia for over 400 years.
If you have forgotten your LUNCH today please let us know in the office by 10AM.
General Announcements
Violin class is cancelled for today.
Cookies and hot chocolate are on sale today in the main foyer. $2 for chocolate chip cookies, $1 for hot chocolate, $0.50 a topping or 3 for $1. Enjoy!
ILT is also holding a raffle for a candy basket - bring your loonies to the main foyer to purchase tickets. They will be selling every Thursday until the draw in December.
Dungeons & Dragons club today CANCELLED!
Leadership Club today with Mme Leslie in room 202.
Yearbooks on sale now on SchoolCash - get yours now for $35.
Band & Music Announcements
Glam Band at lunch today.
Grade 6 violin cancelled today.
Athletic Announcements
Female volleyball team won against Graham Creigton 3-0! Way to go team!
Male volleyball practice after school until 4:30.
Male basketball tryouts for ALL GRADES tomorrow after school until 4:30PM. Have a ride home!
Intramurals are happening in the gym at the 12:05 bell, Thursdays are for Grade 9 students!