Ellenvale Junior High

Assessment and Evaluation

Assessment and Evaluation

The purpose is to monitor the growth of student learning over time. Also, assessment and evaluation is designed so students can be assessed and evaluated on their level of understanding of outcomes.
Teachers use a variety of strategies to gather information about student achievement. No one source is necessarily better than another. Each strategy can provide useful and different information about student achievement.
The most accurate profile of student achievement is based on findings gathered from assessing student performance in a variety of contexts.

The COPs (Conversations/ Observations/Products) method is a process of combining methodologies to strengthen the reliability of assessment by comparing data or information from three different sources or perspectives.

Assessment is the ongoing process of gathering information on student learning using a variety of sources and strategies. Assessment occurs during the teaching and learning process and is intended to show growth over time and to inform teaching and learning.

Evaluation is the process of analyzing, summarizing and making decisions based upon the assessment information gathered. Evaluation determines the extent to which learning occurs.
Expected Learning Outcomes are the goal statements prescribed by the Department of Education that indicate what teachers are required to teach and students are expected to know and be able to do for each grade level and program/course. These goal statements are the general and specific outcomes that make up the written curriculum.



Ellenvale: School Wide Evaluation Rubric
At Ellenvale we use a 1-4 Evaluation Rubric. All grade levels will be using this measuring tool to determine academic achievement. This rubric is attached to most assessment information that is entered into Powerschool and may be viewed by clicking on individual assignments in the parent portal lookup. 


Achievement Levels Description
4 In-depth knowledge and understanding of content and concepts. Able to extend the application of the related skills.
3 Competent knowledge and understanding of content and concepts. Appropriate application of the related skills.
2 Developing knowledge and understanding of content and concepts. Developing in the application of the related skills.
1 Limited knowledge and understanding of content and concepts. Limited application of the related skills.


Communicating Student Learning (Important Dates)

Thursday, September 13th Curriculum Night (6-8pm)
Nov.26th-Dec.6th Term 1 Report Cards Home
Thursday, December 6th Parent Teacher Interviews
March 26th - April 11th Term 2 Report Cards Home
Thursday, April 11th Parent Teacher Interviews
Friday, June 28th Final Reports Home

