Ellenvale Junior High

November 27th, 2020

Nov 27, 2020

Announcements Friday, November 27, 2020
We acknowledge that we are in Mi’kma’ki, which is the traditional ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq people.

From Mr. Lewis:
I would like to send out a special thank you on behalf of all Eagles to Dante Lafferty-Nord and Carter Gauvin for their leadership in assembling our coat racks for every homeroom. Well done Dante and Carter!

Parent Teacher Meetings:
Parent-Teacher meetings will be held using Google Meets for this reporting period. Teachers will share the on-line invitation link for their google meet when interview schedules are finalized. When you access the link, the teacher will give you permission to join at your scheduled time. Your child is familiar with using Google Meets and can help you set it up. ***Also, here is a link to the Education and Early Childhood Development web page where you can scroll to Parent Technology to find a brief You Tube video on how to use Google Meets: https://curriculum.novascotia.ca/parentfamily-information. There is a whole lot of more interesting information on this site as well so do take a moment to visit***!
Parents/guardians can join a meeting from any email address; it does not need to be a Gmail account. If Parents/guardians choose the dial-in option for a Google Meet, there will be long distance charges as all calls are routed through the US. It is important to respect the time allotted for the meeting as other parents/guardians will be waiting to meet with the teacher.
Parent-teacher meetings will be held on Thursday, December 3, from 1 to 3 pm and from 6 to 8pm in 6-minute blocks. Instructions for parents on how to book your parent-teacher meeting on-line will be sent home in an Alert Solutions message. The on-line booking system,OPTIS, link follows: www.parentinterviews.com/ellenvale and is on our school website - elj.hrsb.ca (select Our School and then For Parents). OPTIS will be open to parents on Monday, November 23, 9am, until Tuesday, December 1, midnight. After December 1, you may contact Mrs. Cottingham in the school office at 435-8420 to book an appointment. Report Cards will be coming home to you on Wednesday, December 2.
Some of our teachers’ interview times have been filled. Please choose to go on the waiting lists. You will be contacted by the teacher.

PowerSchool Portal Access:
Access to grades and comments is disabled in the Student/Parent Portal from November 2 until December 3. Students and parents can access the portal for schedules, attendance and other information, while teachers work on report cards in PowerTeacher Pro during this time.