Ellenvale Junior High

January 26th, 2016



Tuesday - Grade 8/9 Band rehearsal - lunch

Wednesday - Jazz band rehearsal - lunch

Thursday - Musical Band Rehearsal - lunch

Friday - Grade 7 Band Rehearsal - lunch

The Los Primos Raffle fundraiser will continue until February 12, 2016. The grand prize is a trip for 4 to Cuba. More tickets are available upon request. Please return any books of tickets if you are not planning to sell them. They can be given to another Band student.

The second deposit for the Grade 8/9 Band Trip is due January 30, 2016

Scale assessments begin this week - Jan. 25. I am available for extra help Tues - Thurs after school this week.

Written assignments on "How To Practice" are due on Monday Feb. 1 

WeActors:Clash of Coins

The Grade 7s really want to be kings and queens of the castle in the Clash of Coins. There were lots of attacks and defenses in 701, 702, 705 and 706 today, but at the end of the day, 705 is leading with 1385 points, followed by 701 with 801 and 706 with 535. 903 and 904  took a lot of hits with little defense and are both on the negative side.

Grade 9s are reminded to return their surveys as soon as possible.

Morning Music Classes

This mornings’ music classes will take place in the computer lab due to grade 9 High School presentations in the music room.

WELCOME to our visitors from PA this morning who will be working with the Grade 9 students as they select their courses for next year.

Goodminton (aka Badminton)

Goodminton tryouts are this week. Sign up sheets are posted on the board outside the gym. Also . . . .

All participants interested in the French Public Speaking Contest, there will be a meeting TODAY at lunch in Mr. Whitfields’ room. 

Grad Photos

Grad photos will be taken this morning in the Library. Adams Photography will provide a shirt and tie for the male students if they don’t have.

Parents as Carreer Coaches

Parents are reminded that the Parents as Career Coaches session is this Wednesday evening at 6:30pm, and the Grade 7 French Immersion Trip Meeting for parents in the library this Thursday at 5:30pm. See Parent link in OUr School on the elj.hrsb.ca webpage.

Ski Trip

There are still 7 spots available on the Feb. 29 skit trip. Please see Mr. Emberly or the main office for forms.

New Website

I am pleased to announce the implementation of our new mobile- friendly web-site.  A special note of thanks to vice principal Mr. CARRUTHERS for his work on this communication tool.

We would like to draw your attention to the section labelled "Our School" which contains most of the content and links for parents, students and staff.

RAOK – the following students are invited to have pizza today at 12:10 in Mr. Lewis’s office:

Ella Graham, Kamara Izzard, Destinee Macnamara, Madi Garcin , Liam Caron, Joelle Safatli, Abby Oxner, Elizabeth Dorey, Myah Stairs,Cameron Richardson, Jordan Patterson, Logan Neves, Melissa O’Neil, Jacob Gauvin, Luke Robers, Elias Toulany, Max D., Aiden Kawhara, Brady McLeod and Dylan McKay

Grade 9 Course Selection Parent Information Night - Thurs. Feb. 18, 7 pm AV room at Prince Andrew.