Ellenvale Junior High

At Home Learning Plan - January 6, 2022

January 6, 2022

At-Home Learning Plan
Dates: Jan. 10-14

Important Dates
Jan. 6&7 – Teacher Planning Days / Student Contact
Jan. 10 - Learning Plan goes live
Jan. 14 - Last Day of At-Home Learning Plan

Daily Plan
• Students will follow an abbreviated version of their regular daily schedule (starting with Week 2)
• Schedule attached (please note the subjects are the same as the regular schedule – it is just provided to provide times)
• The first period starts at 9:20 each day
• All classes are 40 minutes in length with a minimum of 30% to a maximum of 50% of time spent synchronously (live), with the remainder of time being asynchronous
• All classes will begin with at least a 12-25 minute “live” portion of the class (this can be extended longer to meet the needs of the lesson but should not take the entire asynchronous time) which will include – Attendance, check-in, lesson instruction / review, class discussions, workshop and/or assignment description.
• After the live portion students will work independently on assigned work, projects, and assessments while teachers remain available online during their scheduled class time (email / google meet / google chat) to support students.
• Teachers will post assignments, assessments, resources, etc. on their google classroom
• Students to submit all work through the google classroom

 Please note:  The evaluation, assessment, and feedback of student learning will continue for the duration, and students are expected to engage and participate fully in this experience. 
 Student learning will continue to be assessed in all subjects.  All work must be completed within the timelines established.
 Integrated Leaning Time (or Scheduling Need as many students know it as) will now be considered an extra opportunity to complete outstanding work.  There is no synchronous component to this class.
 Attendance will continue to be taken each class and students are expected to be present for every class.
 All Google Classroom codes will be communicated directly from the teachers to the students.
 Students who are coming to the school to work in the Learning Centre have already been notified.
 If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me at swadden@hrce.ca.

Kind Regards,