Ellenvale Junior High

September 19th, 2019

We acknowledge that we are in Mi’kma’ki, which is the traditional ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq people.

FromMr. Lewis:

Girls soccer practice TODAY, 4:30-6:00pm at Ellenvale Field.
All girls and boys soccer players are reminded to get forms and fees paid to Mr. Carruthers ASAP. No pay no play!

Our First Fundraiser for 2019-20!!
Band students will return their orders to Mr. Fraser and non-band students will return their orders to the office please. Completed orders are due back by Wednesday, September 25. The delivery date for the cookie dough is Thursday, October 10, and containers will be ready to pick up at 6:30pm. Thank you for your participation and generous support.

Ellenvale Wear – Online! – If you are interested in purchasing clothing with the Ellenvale logo on it, please visit our online store at http://ellenvalejuniorhighschool.entripyshops.com/
From Mme Boudreau:
There will be no Weactor meeting this week. Those who were not Weactors last year, but wish to go to Weday are reminded to give their letter about their volunteer service to Mme Boudreau by Monday, September 23rd. If you missed the information meeting, please come see Mme Boudreau in her room at 2:50pm any day.

From Ms. Hann:
Do you love to sing? If so, come try our Ellenvale "Gleegles" Pop-Choir! They meet every Wednesday at lunch. Sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board across from Rm 108 (music room). The first rehearsal will take place in Rm 108 on Wednesday, Sept 25th at 12:10.

From Mme Leslie and Leadership Club:
The students on leadership would like to have this month's spirit day on the day of the Terry Fox Run, Wednesday, September 25. They would like the grade 7's to wear blue, the 8's to wear red and the 9's to wear green.  They would also like it if each class would set their own personal goal for amounts to be raised in support of the Terry Fox Run. We are going to set up benchmarks for prizes that they could earn. For example, if your class raises $50, they would receive a candy reward;$100: choice activity for 1/2 hour-1 hour: ex. games day, outdoor sports activity; $200: movie and popcorn. Any leadership students who are available TOMORROW are asked to go to Mme Leslie's room at the bell with their lunch.

Found! 1 silver necklace and 1 white bracelet with a peace sign on it. Please come to the office to claim. This is going to be a great event! We look forward to seeing your level of spirit!

From Mr. Leek:
Those interested in learning to play Djembe drumming are asked to attend a meeting in the Learning Commons TODAY at 12:10pm.

Parents and Guardians:
Please regularly check your child for nits or head lice. Children with nits or head lice must receive the first of two treatments before returning to school. Please notify the school if your child has head lice or nits. A copy of the NS Department of Health and Wellness pamphlet, How to Prevent, Find and Treat Head Lice can be found at:

Also Parents and Guardians: If your child has a serious medical condition, you are eligible for FREE medical alert ID’s until your child is 14 years old through the Medical Alert foundation’s program called “No Child Without”. If you would like more information, contact Mrs. Cottingham in the office to get a form with a bar code and pin number so you can get a Free medical alert bracelet for your child.

Parents FYI - SAC Chair email address update is: hrce-sac-elj@gnspes.ca